"Old" news
- 02/May/04 - Petr Novak silently released the patches and build procedure for SMC7004ABR! Check here!
- 02/May/04 - Kai Gosnner packaged and boot HRI CVS kernel on Belkin F5D6231. He says a ramdisk is on the way!
- 24/Apr/04 - Greg Holdren and Marcelo Costa modified DI604P to not reboot periodically (the so called "hardware watchdog") so linux can run fine in them.
- 21/Apr/04 - Marvel chip "mantainer" resign. We need a new volunteer for it!
(DLINK DI604P rev.E and Airlink+ ASOHO4P)
- 19/Apr/04 - Kai Gossner debug the DLF extension internal format and released a couple days latter DLFtool Utility. Now one can pack a kernel for MN100 and other routers!
- 12/Mar/04 - Marcelo Costa hooked a level shifter to Airlink+ router and get the boot messages!
- 01/Mar/04 - Chris Windibank debug DI-604 rev. A bootloader and document it's firmware format!
- 18/Feb/04 - Port to Network Everywhere NWR04B - work by codeman
- 30/Jan/04 - HRI's CVS based testing firmware running on SMC7004VWBR PN 720.x hardware - reported by !3runo
- 04/Jan/04 - uClinux based testing firmware running on SMC7004ABR rev.2 hardware - work enterely done by Petr Novak
- 04/Jan/04 - Success on running HRI's CVS uClinux on SMC7004VBR hardware - work done by Arnaud Faucher
- 29/Oct/04 - Some [semi-]success running uClinux on SMC7004VWBR PN 720.x hardware - reported by Stas!
$Id: oldnews.html,v 1.5 2004/05/03 10:13:29 bcabral Exp $