DLINK DI-604 Factory Default Reflash Procedure
You don't have to worry about making a paper weight out of your DI-604 by flashing it with test firmware. It has a tiny flash program saved in the boot sector of the flash that cannot be overwritten. You can restore your flash by doing the following:
- Get firmware from DLINK website (of course, duh!)
- Power off the router
- Give your computer a static IP address of
- Push and hold the reset button down with a paper clip or something similar.
- While holding the reset button down plug the router back in and keep holding the reset button down for 10 seconds.
- Open a browser and go to
You should see a simple web page with and edit box, a browse button and a send button. Use this to flash your router with the DLink firmware and all should be well again.
Info from Chris Windibank, 01/Mar/04
$Id: reflash.html,v 1.1 2004/03/14 11:07:16 bcabral Exp $